Welcome To
Oldcastle Primary School
Inspire Motivate Educate
Welcome To
Oldcastle Primary School
Inspire Motivate Educate
What if my child or I am shielding
There is currently no advice to shield. Please contact the school to discuss any individual issues regarding a child's medical condition. ask@oldcastleprimary.co.uk
My child is identified as clinically vulnerable in relation to COVID 19 what should I do?
Parents and carers should take advice from their GP or hospital doctor whether your child should attend school.
Breakfast Club
At this stage, the breakfast club will not be offered to children.
Late Club
Late club will not be running at the present time.
After School Club
After School Club will be running from 21st September however numbers are extremely limited. Bookings are made in advance and cannot be changed. All existing bookings have been cancelled and parents will need to apply for a new place. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. Key workers will be given priority. Bookings need to be booked and paid for in advance. Places are very limited due to Welsh Government guidance around pupil bubbles. Refunds will not be provided for non-attendance and once bookings are made they cannot be amended. After school club will not be provided for nursery children in the first half term but will be reviewed in September / October for the following half term.
Lunchtime arrangements
Catering Services will be providing school dinners. More information will be provided shortly.
Children who receive free school meals will continue to receive in the normal way.
Pupils who bring packed lunches into school will be able eat these in their classroom with their class bubble.
Does my child need PPE / Will staff be wearing PPE
Government guidance does not currently specify that children or adults need to wear personal protective equipment in a school setting, unless undertaking particular duties. We will continue to take advice from the Local Authority and Welsh Government on the use of PPE.
Will my child be taught by their usual teacher?
Children will be taught by their class teacher for the school year 2020/21. In certain circumstances, a substitute teacher may be required.
How will my child know to social distance?
Minimising contacts and mixing between groups reduces transmission of COVID 19. Current guidance provides advice on focussing on separating groups for younger children rather than social distancing. Children attending primary school will be required to remain in their group bubble. Access routes in and around school will provide opportunities for children and staff to socially distance where possible. Staff will provide advice and support to children. Adults are still required to socially distance.