Welcome To
Oldcastle Primary School
Inspire Motivate Educate
Welcome To
Oldcastle Primary School
Inspire Motivate Educate
All payments for school trips, music lessons, infant fruit bar, after school club and late clubs will be collected via our e-payment and communication tool - ParentPay. All parents have a secure online account, activated using a unique activation username and password that has been sent home in a letter.
Click here to access the ParentPay website.
Schools dinners will still be paid via the Council - see details below.
Bridgend County Borough Council menus have been analysed and are fully compliant with the Welsh Government’s Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards and Requirements) (Wales) Regulations.
All primary school children in Wales can access Universal Primary Free School Meals. This commitment by Welsh Government is in response to the rising cost-of-living pressures on families and our shared ambitions of:
tackling child poverty
ensuring no child goes hungry in school
There are also wider benefits of free school meals, including:
promoting healthy eating across the school
increasing the variety of food options
improving social skills at mealtimes
improving behaviour and attainment
Please follow this link to view the current menu selection Primary School Menu