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Oldcastle Primary School

Inspire Motivate Educate

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Oldcastle Primary School

Inspire Motivate Educate

Research and Development

Like many schools we want to provide a world class education for our children. Our staff work on a number of projects and these projects are listed below.


We aim to use the research to achieve our school vision.

Financial Education Case Study

Physical Activity and Self Esteem Research

National Professional Enquiry Project (NPEP)

The school undertakes research as part of the National Professional Enquiry Project and these are available to view below. 


The research project for 2023/24 is Evaluating Maths and Numeracy across the Curriculum. 

NPEP Research 2022/23 - RSE Framework

NPEP Research 2021/22 - Pupil Voice

NPEP Research 2020/21 - Implementing the New Curriculum

Children's Participation in Schools

We are involved with a research programme which is being led by University of the West of England in collaboration with Swansea University, University of Wales Trinity Saint David and Cardiff Metropolitan University.


The research forms part of a wider project looking at how Welsh Government policy translates into the classroom. The research focuses on the rights of the child to be an active participant in all aspects of their life, specifically in classroom contexts.
