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Inspire Motivate Educate

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Oldcastle Primary School

Inspire Motivate Educate

Careers Week

Careers Week - 3rd to 7th June 2024


Careers Week aims to inspire, motivate and educate children in the world of work.  This year, each year group completed a project and investigated a variety of careers.  For more information on the amazing work our children completed during Careers Week 2024 please click the link below.


Careers Week 2024

Previous Careers Weeks

Careers Week - 10th to 16th June 2023


Inspiring the next generation in the world of work


Oldcastle Primary School were delighted to launch their second Careers Week last week.  Following the success of the first Careers Week in 2022, the school developed the concept and created a timetable of visitors and events to inspire the children in the world of work.


The aim of Careers Week is to inspire, educate and enthuse children with the array of different job types that are available.  91% of children said that they have more idea about the types of jobs that are available. The school had a range of visitors including a barrister, vet, digital product designer, war news correspondent, fashion designer, royal mint, army, rock band, photographer, reporter, civil engineer, rugby player, poet, quality manager, weaver, charity worker, politician, Tata steel, financial services, paramedic, tv producer, wind turbines, train company and police plus many more online sessions.


Children were asked about the best bits of Careers Week and here are a couple of their comments:


  • What I love most about careers week is that I get to find out about lots of different jobs.


  • We got to meet people with awesome jobs


  • I enjoyed seeing all the wonderful and different careers there can be and all the skills that you need to do that job.


“We launched Careers Week in 2022 and were overwhelmed with the support we received and the children absolutely loved learning about different career options.  This year's Careers Week was another amazing success and we are so grateful to all the visitors who came into school in person or virtually.  Our children have been inspired in a range of different careers and we love to hear about the children’s ideas for their future”.  Mrs Ceri Littlewood, Headteacher.


More information can be found on our newsletter - please click here

Careers Week - 6th to 10th June 2022

This year we are delighted to launch a new proposal for Oldcastle in the form of a Careers Week!!  Our Careers Week will be taking place after May Half Term with the aim of providing children with inspiring and motivating career options available. 

With the implementation of the new Curriculum for Wales we will support children to be 

  • ambitious, capable learners ready to learn throughout their lives 

  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work 

  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world 

  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

We believe that a Careers Week will be a fantastic opportunity for our children and achieves the four purposes as set out above.  We hope to arrange for many visitors to come into school throughout the week and talk to the children and their job.  We know that many of our parents have a job that will inspire our pupils so we hope you can help. 

Careers Week - A great success!

Wow our very first Careers Week has been a tremendous success. The smiling faces of the children and staff are all that we need to know that the week has been worthwhile. We are so grateful to all of our visitors and the support we have received. We hope your children have been coming home and telling you all about their exciting day!


Our staff have been so thrilled with the week that they have taken some lovely photos to showcase the week. These have been compiled into a short video which we hope you enjoy.  Careers Week Video


Our radio champions have worked hard all week interviewing our visitors and they have prepared a fantastic radio show which is available on our website. Please click here Careers Week Highlights Radio Show
