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Oldcastle Primary School

Inspire Motivate Educate

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Welcome To

Oldcastle Primary School

Inspire Motivate Educate

House Colour Rewards

Every term we hold a Rewards Day to celebrate the house token collection.  Please read on to find out how we celebrate the house colour success!

House Rewards - Summer 2024


Rewards Day 2024

House Rewards - Summer 2023

Spring Term - March 2023

Spring term - 10th March 2023

Children enjoyed taking part in their house rewards on 10th March  Monday 10th March was a busy day with children making pizza's, riding scooters and bikes, and enjoying extra playtime.

Autumn Term - December 2022

Autumn Term - October 2022

End of Year - Whole School Reward Day

On Thursday 21st July 2022 we arranged a Rewards Day for all our children and we delighted to surprise the children in the morning with a fantastic range of activities they could take part in.  The day was a fantastic event and we were so pleased to be able to say thank you to all our children for embracing our new rewards system.
