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Oldcastle Primary School
Inspire Motivate Educate
Welcome To
Oldcastle Primary School
Inspire Motivate Educate
Oldcastle's Got Talent 2019
Wow what talent we have in Oldcastle Primary School. Our children have been treated to some amazing performances from children in nursery through to year 6. The judges found it really hard to choose winners out of such great talent. Well done to everyone that took part.
Foundation Phase Winners
Key Stage 2
Congratulations everyone! Here is a copy of Niamh's poem which made us all proud to be part of the Oldcastle Team.
My friend was standing next to me,
it was my turn on the stage
I'm a poet don't you know it
and I'm quite good at it for my age!
I'm actually quite nervous and I'm really going to try
hopefully to make YOU laugh
and me try not to cry!
We have a great headmaster
Mr Thompson, he runs the school
He rides a big flash motorbike
I suppose he is quite cool!
Miss Jones is my favourite of them all
she's kind and fun, she's my teacher too
she helps with English and explains our maths
which is something I can do!
We have been her first class to teach
The whole of this year four
she may even shed a tear at the end of term
when we say goodbye and go out the door.
Miss Davies is kind and happy,
she cheers us up when we are sad,
sometimes she needs to be strict
which really is not bad.
Miss Ellett is my music teacher
now she can really sing a note
if she was on the x factor
she would always get my vote
Now, the dinner ladies
they give us veg mix
that keeps us on the go!
How much we really hate it
I guess they'll never know.
We really like the chocolate cake
Its really quite a hit!
but there is a massive problem
We only get a bit!
The office staff
are always helpful
If we are sad or have a bad tummy,
and if we are sick in school
they will always call our mummy.
Miss Evans
she runs a cricket team
and seems always on the move
Now shes a full teacher
shes really found her groove!
Miss Hodgson is in charge of the nursery
She's always busy busy
I think it must be all those nursery kids
That make her dizzy dizzy.
I'm sorry I couldn't speak of everyone
in my little rhyme
my mum has sent me off to bed
so I just don't have the time.
Niamh 4J (2019)